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Monday, March 28, 2016

هذان - هذين - هاتان - هاتين Demonstrative pronouns for dual near objects

This is a follow up to our previous lesson about demonstrative pronouns......

In this part you will learn clear examples about Demonstrative pronouns for dual near objects.

هذان - هذين - هاتان - هاتين

hazani- hazayni- hatani-hatayni


is for masculine dual near objects  in the nominative case (مرفوع).

* هَذَانِ كِتَابَانِ كَبِيرَان.
Hazani ketabani kabeeran.
These two books are big.


is for masculine dual near objects  in the accusative case(منصوب) and the genitive case (مجرور) .

* رَأَيْتُ هَذَيْنِ العُصْفُورَيْنِ مِنْ قَبْل. (accusative case)
raa'ytou hazayni al-osfourayni min qabl.
I have seen these two birds before.

* فِي هَذَيْنِ البَلَدَيْنِ تُوجَدُ الفِيَلة. (genitive case)
Fi hazayni albaladayni toujado-lfeyalah.
In these two towns, elephants exist.

Hatani-هاتان :
is for feminine dual near objects   in nominative case (مرفوع).

* هَاتَانِ الوَرْدَتَانِ فِي مَزْهَرِيَةِ وَاحِدَة.

Hatani al-wardatani fi mazhareyaten wahedah.
these two roses are in one vase.

hatayni- هاتين:
is for feminine dual near objects   in the accusative case(منصوب) and the genitive case (مجرور) .
* أَمْسَكْتُ هَاتَيْنِ الكُرَتَيْنِ . (accusative case)
Amsaktou hatayni al-koratayni.
I holded these two balls.

* فِي هَاتَيْنِ الفِكْرَتَيْنِ فَوَائِدُ كَثِيرَة. (genitive case)

fi hatani elfekratayni fawaedo katheerah.
In these two ideas, lots of benefits exist.

waiting for your sentences in comments below....I will correct them.

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