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Saturday, March 09, 2019

Script of Arabic audio lesson 59

Instructor: This is unit 59 of ALIF Classical Arabic Audio program 2
listen to Arabic conversation.

هُو: إستَمِع إلى هَذِه المُحادَثَة العربية

هُو: نهلة .. هَل أنتِ ذاهِبَة إلى اللاذِقِية قَريبا ً؟
هِي: نَعَم نَعَم .. سَأسَافِر يَوم الإثنَين صَباحَا ً
هُو: هَل سَتأخُذِين الطَائِرَة؟
هِي: لا .. سَأسَافِر بِالقِطَار
هُو: بِالقِطَار .. حَقا ً ذَلِك ؟
هِي: نَعَم .. أحبُ السَفَر بِالقِطَار كَثيرا ً .. أستَطِيع أن أقرأ كِتابًا

هُو: إستَمع مَرة أُخرى

هُو: نهلة .. هَل أنتِ ذاهِبَة إلى اللاذِقِية قَريبا ً؟
هِي: نَعَم نَعَم .. سَأسَافِر يَوم الإثنَين صَباحَا ً
هُو: هَل سَتأخُذِين الطَائِرَة؟
هِي: لا .. سَأسَافِر بِالقِطَار
هُو: بِالقِطَار .. حَقا ً ذَلِك ؟
هِي: نَعَم .. أحبُ السَفَر بِالقِطَار كَثيرا ً .. أستَطِيع أن أقرأ كِتابًا
Instructor: now you’re in a bookshop in Lattakia,
you with a Arab clerk, how does she ask the
clerk how much are these books?
هِي: بِكَم هَذِه الكُتُب ؟
Instructor: he takes the first one from her and
says” this is a very nice book”
هُو: هَذا كِتاُبٌ جَمِيلٌ جِدا ً
Instructor: he gives her a very good price saying”
it’s four hundred pounds for you”
هُو: بأربَعِ مَائةِ جُنِيه لَكِ

Instructor: do you remember how to say the old town
هُو المَدِينَة القدِيمَة
Instructor: the clerk takes another book now
he says this book is old
هُو : إسْتَمِع و أعِد
هُو: هَذا الكِتاب قَدِيم .. قَدِيم.. هَذا الكِتاب قَدِيم
Instructor: did you hear the difference between the
old town and old referring to a book, book is a
masculine word so you use
هُو: قَدِيم
Instructor: how did he say this book is old?
هُو: هَذا الكِتاب قَدِيم.. قدِيم.. قَدِيم
Instructor: the price on another book is not
marked clearly but she tries to read it, she asks
is it three hundred pounds or four hundred pounds
هِي: هَل هُو بأربَع مَائة جُنِيه أم بِثلاثِ مائَة جُنيه؟
Instructor: she asks him how much is this book?
هِي: بِكَم هَذا الكِتاب ؟
Instructor: he says this book is very old
هُو: هَذا الكِتاب قَدِيم جِدا ً
Instructor: he continues it’s three hundred pounds
هُو: بِثلاث مائَة جُنيه
Instructor: the word for beautiful is the same as
the word for nice, he say these books are very
هُو: هَذه الكُتُب جَمِيلَة جِدا ً
Instructor: the clerk says again it’s three hundred
هُو: بِثلاث مائَة جُنيه
Instructor: your college says I don’t have enough
money with me
هِي: لا يُوجَد مَال كَافِي معي

Instructor: I want to buy these books
هِي: أُريدُ أن أشتَريَ هَذِه الكُتُب
Instructor: she figures out what she needs saying three
hundred pounds and four hundred pounds
هِي: بأربَعِ مَائة جُنِيه وبِثلاثِ مائَة جُنيه
Instructor: in order to buy these books
هِي: لِأشتَريَ هَذِه الكُتُب
Instructor: the shopkeeper points to a bank
across the street, saying there is a bank over there
هُو: يُوجَد مصرِف هُناك
Instructor: he says to your college
you can exchange money there
هُو: تَستَطيعين أن تَستبدلي مَالًا هُناكً
Instructor: she says great I’m going to the bank now
هِي: عَظِيم .. سَأذهَب إلى المصرِفِ الأن
Instructor: she says in order to exchange
money I will go to the bank
هِي: لِأستبدلَ بَعضَ المَالِ... سَأذهَبُ إلى المصرِف
Instructor: tell her yes you can exchange
money there right away
هُو:نَعَم تَستَطيعين أن تَستبدلي مَالًا هُناك حَالا ً
Instructor: and later you can come back in
order to buy this books
هُو: وتَعُودى لِتَشتَريَ هَذِه الكُتُب فيما بعد  
Instructor: after she returns she says now
I have enough money with me
هِي: الأن لَدى المَال الكَافي
Instructor: later you tell her this book
is very beautiful
هُو: هَذا الكِتاب جَمِيلٌ جِدا ً
Instructor: how would she say and usually
هِي: نَعَم و.... عَادَة ً

Instructor: it’s more expensive you’re
referring to a book which is masculine
هِي: هُو أغلَى
Instructor: now tell her I know a good
restaurant not far from here
هُو:أعرِفُ مَطَعمًا جَيدًا.... لَيس بَعيدا ً من هُنا
Instructor: would you like to have lunch
there with me and with my wife
هُو: هَل تحبين أن تَتَناولِي الغَداَء هُناك مَعي ومَع زَوجِي ؟
Instructor: tell her they have very tasty Arab food
هُو: عندهُم أكُلٌ عربيٌّ لَذِيذ
Instructor: you explain that your wife is
meeting their at one o’clock, ask her would you
like to have lunch with us
هُو: هَل تَحبين أن تَتَناولِي الغَداَء مَعنَا ؟
Instructor: how does she say yes we will
have lunch together?
هِي: نَعَم سَنتَناولُ الغَداء معا ً
Instructor: with pleasure
هِي: بِكُل سِرُور
Instructor: now you are with a college in Lattakia,
here’s how she says last week literally
the week the last
هِي: الإسبُوع المَاضي
Instructor: how would she say I went to
Aleppo last week?
هِي: ذَهبتُ إلى حَلَب الإسبُوع المَاضي
Instructor: she continues and tomorrow
I will go to Damascus
هِي: وغَدا ً سأذهَبُ إلى دمشق
Instructor: how did she say that she went to
Aleppo last week?
هِي: ذَهبتُ إلى حَلَب الإسبُوع المَاضي
Instructor: now try to ask her would you go to
Damascus by train
هُو: هَل سَتذهَبين إلى دمشق بالقِطَار ؟

Instructor: or would you take a plane
هُو: أمْ سَتأخُذِين الطَائِرَة؟
Instructor: how would she say that she likes to
travel by plane?
هِي: أحبُ أن أسافرَ بالطَائِرَة
Instructor: she says but this time
هِي: لَكِن هَذِه المَرَة
Instructor: I will take the train
هِي: سَأخُذُ القِطَار
Instructor: I went to Aleppo last week
هِي: ذَهبتُ إلى حَلَب الإسبُوع المَاضي
Instructor: to travel by plane is more expensive
هِي: السفر بِالطَائِرَة أغلَى
Instructor: now it’s another day and you’re speaking
with a neighbor, you mention that you have to
go to the bank
هُو: لابُدّ أن أذهَبَ إلى المصرِف
Instructor: in order to exchange some money
هُو: لِأستبدلَ بَعضَ المَال
Instructor: ask if she knows where is the bank?
هُو:هَل تَعرِفين أين المصرِف؟
Instructor: she answers yes there’s a bank on Abed street
هِي:نَعَم .. يُوجَد مصرِف في شَارِع عَابِد
Instructor: how does she say to you, you can
exchange money there?
هِي: تستَطِيعُ أن تَستبدلَ المَال هُناك
Instructor: and how do you say the same thing to a woman
هُو: تَستَطيعين أن تَستبدلي مَالًا هُناك
Instructor: she continues Abed Street isn’t far from here
هِي: شَارِع عَابِد لَيس بَعيدًا من هُنا
Instructor: now she asks do you go there right away.
هِي: هَل لابُد أن تَذهَبَ إلى هُناك حَالا ً؟
Instructor: yes I will leave right away after a few minutes
هُو: نَعَم .. سَأذهَبُ حَالا بَعد بِضعِ دَقائق
Instructor: you’re going by car; she asks can
you take me with you
هِي: هَل تستطيعُ أن تَصحبَني مَعك ؟
Instructor: I’d like to go to the town, me too
هِي: أحبُ أن أذهَبَ إلى المَدِينَة .. أنَا أيضا ً
Instructor: I went to Aleppo last week
هِي: ذَهبتُ إلى حَلَب الإسبُوع المَاضي
Instructor: and I need to buy a few things right now
هِي: وأُريدُ أن أشتَريَ بَعضَ الأشْياء الأن
Instructor: a little food and some coffee
هِي: قليلًا من الطعام و بعضَ القَهوَة
Instructor: she wants to add and mineral water
هُو : إسْتَمِع و أعِد
هِي: ومِياهً مَعدَنِية .. مَعدَنِية.. مَعدَنِية .. مِياه .. مِياهً مَعدَنِية
Instructor: that’s literally water with minerals, how
does she say that she has to but some mineral
water, some is understood
هِي: لابُدّ أن أشتَريَ مِياهً مَعدَنِية
Instructor: she continues and I want to buy a newspaper
هِي: و أُرِيدُ أن أشتَريَ جَرِيدَة
Instructor: ask her what time it is?
هُو: كَم الساعة ؟

Instructor: she tells you, it’s half past eleven
هِي:إنها السَاعَة الحَادِيَة عَشرة والنِصف
Instructor: you’re meeting your wife for lunch; ask your
neighbor “would you like to have lunch at
the restaurant Al-mashawy?
هُو: هَل تَحبين أن تَتَناولِي الغَداَء في مَطعَم المشاوي ؟
هُو: إسأل
Instructor: with me and with my wife
هُو: مَعي ومَع زَوجِي
Instructor: say that you ate there in last week
هُو: أكلتُ هُناك الإسبُوع المَاضي
Instructor: they have very tasty Arab food
هُو: عندهُم أكُلٌ عربيٌّ لَذِيذ
Instructor: she says that’s a good idea
هِي: هَذِه فِكرَةٌ جَيدَة
Instructor: and I need to buy some mineral water later
هِي: لابُدّ أن أشتَريَ مِياهً مَعدَنِيةً فيما بعد  
Instructor: on your way there, she tells you
I will return to Aleppo next week
هِي: سًأعُود إلى حَلَب الإسبُوع القَادِم
Instructor: ask her would you take the plane
هُو: هَل سَتأخُذِين الطَائِرَة ؟
Instructor: are you going by car, plane?
هُو: هَل سَتذهَبين بِالسَيارَة , بالطَائِرَة ؟
Instructor: or by train?
هُو: أمْ بِالقِطَار؟
Instructor: she says this time I will take the train
هِي: هَذِه المَرَة سأخُذُ الطَائِرَة
Instructor: I will leave for Aleppo on Saturday
هِي: سَأذهَب إلى حَلَب في السَبت
Instructor: and I will return on Friday
هِي: وسَأعُود في يَوم الجُمعَة
Instructor: at half past twelve
هِي: في السَاعَة الثَانِية عَشرة والنِصف
Instructor: she says again I will come back on Friday
هِي: سَأعُود في يَوم الجُمعَة
Instructor: here’s the word for Sunday or on Sunday
هُو : إسْتَمِع و أعِد
هِي:  الأحَد .. في الأحَد.. الأحَد
Instructor: until Sunday
هِي: حتى الأحَد
Instructor: she says I will stay there until Sunday morning
هِي: أحبُ أن أمكثَ هُناك حتى الأحَد صَباحا ً
Instructor: but I can’t
هِي: لَكِن لا أستَطِيع
Instructor: I will come back on Friday
هِي: سَأعُود في يَوم الجُمعَة
Instructor: you suggest may be next Sunday
هُو: ربما الأحَد القَادِم.. الأحَد القَادِم
Instructor: how do you say to her to have lunch
meaning you have lunch?
هُو: تَتَناولِين الغَداَء..... تتناولي الغداء
Instructor: ask her would you like to have lunch
with me and with my wife
هُو: هَل تحبين أن تَتَناولِي الغَداَء مَعي ومَع زَوجِي؟
Instructor: next Sunday at our place
هُو: الأحَد القَادِم عندنا
Instructor: she wants to say I’m sorry but
Sunday afternoon I can’t, here’s the word for afternoon
هِي: المَساء .. المَساء.. المَساء
Instructor: how would she say Sunday in the afternoon?
هِي: الأحَد مَساءا ً
Instructor: she says I’m sorry but Sunday afternoon I can’t
هِي: انا آسفَة لَكِن الأحَد مَساءا ً لا أستَطِيع
Instructor: how does she say my daughter
is coming to visit me from Homs?
هِي: إبنَتي سَتأتي لِزيَارَتي مِن حُمص
Instructor: at four o’clock in the afternoon
هِي: في السَاعَة الرابعة مَساءا ً
Instructor: I went to Aleppo last week
هِي: ذَهبتُ إلى حَلَب الإسبُوع المَاضي
Instructor: and I will return to Aleppo next week
هِي: وسأعُود إلى حَلَب الإسبُوع القَادِم
Instructor: she explains I will return on Friday
هِي: سَأعُود يَوم الجُمعَة
Instructor: but Sunday afternoon I can’t
هِي: لَكِن الأحَد مَساءا ً لا أستَطيع
Instructor: absently she reminds herself and
I need to buy some mineral water before Friday
هِي: لابُد أن أشتَريَ مِياهً مَعدَنِيةً قَبل يَوم الجُمعَة
Instructor: now you are at an evening reception,
you see an acquaintance, how do you greet her?
هُو: مَساءُ الخَير.. مَساءُ الخَير
Instructor: greetings are varied and elaborate in Arabic,
polite convention requires that one's response should
surpass the greeting and Courtesy, here’s how she
might respond your greeting
هُو : إسْتَمِع و أعِد
هِي: عمت َ مساءًا
هُو: عمتِ مساءًا
Instructor: and it means "you may enjoy the evening",
how would she say good evening response to you
هِي: مَساء الخَيرَ
Instructor: after your greeting she comments you
speak Arabic very well now
هِي: أنت َ تتَحَدَثُ اللُغَةَ العَرَبيةَ جَيد جِيدا ً الأن
هُو: قُل
Instructor: thank you I don’t speak a lot yet
هثو: شُكرا ً .. لا أتحَدثُ كَثيرا ً بعد.
Instructor: do you remember how to say better than me
هُو: أفضَلَ مِنّي
Instructor: now try to say but I speak better now
هُو: لَكِن أتحَدَثُ أفضَلَ الآن.. أفضَلَ.. لَكِن أتحَدَثُ أفضَلَ الان
Instructor: she asks you are here in Damascus
for how long?
هِي:  أنتً هُنا في دمشق...لِكَمْ من الوقت ؟
Instructor: tell her that you arrived last week
هُو: وَصلتً الإسبُوع المَاضي
Instructor: you continue and you will stay until
next Friday
هُو: وسَأمكثُ حتى الجُمُعَةِ القَادِمة
Instructor: how do you say Friday Afternoon?
هُو: الجُمعَة مَساءا ً
هُو: قُل
Instructor: I will leave Friday afternoon
for Aleppo
هُو: سأرحَلُ الجُمعَة مَساءا ً إلى حَلَب
Instructor: at that moment someone else
joins you and says good evening, how do you respond
هُو: مَساءُ الخَيْر.. مَساءُ الخَيْر
Instructor: now it’s another day and you’re back
at your office in Aleppo, say to a colleague that
you are looking for a newspaper
هُو:أنا أبحَثُ عَن جَرِيدَة .. أبحَثُ عَن.....جريدة
هُو: قُل
Instructor: I’d like to read the newspaper
هُو: أحبُ أن أقرأ الجَرِيدَة
Instructor: before today’s meeting or literally
before "meeting today"
هُو: قَبل إجتِمَاع اليَوم
Instructor: your colleague says it’s half past
eleven now
هِي: إنها السَاعَة الحَادِيَة عَشرة والنِصف الأن
Instructor: but I will leave at half past twelve
هِي: لَكِن سَأرحل في السَاعة الثَانِية عَشرة والنِصف
Instructor: she is running and runs; she says
I need to go to a store
هِي: لابُدّ ان أذهَبَ إلى المَتجر
Instructor: in order to buy some mineral
water and coffee
هِي: لِأشتَريَ بَعض المِياه المَعدَنِية والقَهوَة.. المِياه المَعدَنِية
Instructor: she offers I would buy a newspaper for you
هِي: سأشتَري جَرِيدَةً  لَك
Instructor: how would she say I will
return at half past one?
هِي: سَأعُود في السَاعَة الوَاحِدَة والنِصف

Instructor: she says again it’s half past eleven now
هِي: إنها السَاعَة الحَادِيَة عَشرة والنِصف الأن
Instructor: you thank her and begin preparing
for your meeting, here’s how to say we have
a lot of meetings
هُو : إسْتَمِع و أعِد
هُو: لَدِينا إجتِمَاعَات كَثِيرَة .. إجتِمَاعَات.. إجتِمَاعَات.. لَدِينا إجتِمَاعَات كَثِيرَة
Instructor: two at yesterday
هُو: إثنَين بالأمْس
Instructor: and one today in the morning
هُو: و واحِد اليَوم صَباحا ً
Instructor: and another one at
three o’clock in the afternoon
هُو: وواحِد آخَر في السَاعَة الثَالِثَة مَساءا ً
Instructor: your colleague says I have a lot of meetings
هِي: لديّ أجتمِاعَات كَثيِرَة .. إجتمِاعَات كَثيِرَة .....لديّ اجتماعات كثيرة
Instructor: how does she say that last
week she went to Damascus?
هِي: ذَهبتُ الإسبُوع المَاضي إلى دمشق
Instructor: I had a lot of meetings too
هِي: كان لَدى إجتِماعَات كَثِيرَة أيضا ً
Instructor: now ask her did you go by train?
هُو: هَل ذَهَبتِ بِالقطَار ؟
Instructor: she says no I went by plane
هِي: لا.. ذَهبتُ بِالطَائِرَة
Instructor: I don’t have the time to go by train
هِي: لَيس لدى الوَقت أن أذهَبَ بالقِطَار
Instructor: she continues and next week
I have a meeting in Lattakia
هِي: والإسبُوع القَادِم لَدى إجتِمَاع في اللاذِقية
Instructor: ask her if she will take the train?
هُو: هَل سَتأخُذِينَ القِطَار ؟
Instructor: she says yes I will take the
train to lattakia
هِي: نَعَم سَأخُذُ القِطَار إلى اللاذَقِية
Instructor: Lattakia is not far from here
هِي: اللاذَقِية لَيسَت بَعِيدَةً من هُنا
Instructor: and I will return on Friday at half past twelve
هِي: سَأعُودُ يَوم الجُمعَة السَاعَة الثَانِيَة عَشرة والنِصف
Instructor: she continues and next Sunday
هِي: والأحَد القَادِم
Instructor: my daughter is coming to visit
me from Homs
هِي: إبنَتي سَتأتي لِزيَارَتي مِن حِمص
Instructor: at four o’clock in the afternoon
هِي: في السَاعَة الرَابِعَة مَساءا ً

Instructor: This is the end of unit fifty nine and the
end of today’s lesson
ALIF Classical Arabic Audio courses work best when done
consecutively and on a daily basis. For best results please
continue with the next unit tomorrow.
This has been a presentation of Alif online…copyright 2010…recording copyright 2010.
All rights reserved.

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