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Wednesday, January 27, 2016

Presenting yourself in verbal sentences (جملة فعلية)

Presenting yourself is an important step in learning any new follow me!

I am called …..
أُدْعَى  .... oda'a
I live in...
أَسكُن في....askono fi
I hold a…...nationality
أحمل الجنسية....Ahmelo aljenseyah
I work as a….
Aa'malo.... أعمل
I speak.....
أتحدثُ ....Atahaddatho
I study....
I believe in..
أؤمنُ بال.....ou'mino bil

These are the most seven common points you need, to present yourself...

Let's discuss them one by one....
1- I am called George.
  أُدْعَى جُورْج.... oda'a George

*In the last example and all of our examples sentences are verbal sentences (جملة فعلية) as verbal sentence starts with a Arabic you can drop pronoun "I" when speaking about yourself

2- I live in 14, Al-Thawrah street, Damascus, Syria.

أسْكُنُ في 14 شارعِ الثَوْرَة - دِمَشْق- سُورِيَا....,
 askono fi arba'atashar shareou-thawrah- demashq- soureya

3- I hold a British nationality.
أحمِلُ الجِنْسيَّةَ البرِيطَانِيَّة.

.Ahmelo aljenseyah albritanyah

4- I work as a diplomat.
أعمَلُ دُبْلومَاسِيّ...Aa'malo  doblomasy

 أعمَلُ دُبْلومَاسِيّة...   Aa'malo  doblomasyah

**To differentiate between male and female jobs you should add "taa marboutah"ة" at the end of the word if you meant for a female.
5- I speak English.

أتحَدَّثُ الإنجلِيزِيَّة.....Atahaddatho alenjelezeyah
6-I study engineering.
أدْرُسُ الهَنْدَسَة.

7- I believe in Islam.
أُؤمنُ بالإسلام.....ou'mino bil-eslam


Try to present yourself (the true you) in comments to this post and I will revise your writings, questions, and whatsoever you want to speak about regarding Arabic  language....don't be shy yourself.

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