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Saturday, February 13, 2016

How to transform Verbal sentence into nominal one?

How to transform verbal sentence into nominal sentence and vice versa.....

So obviously, to transform verbal sentence, which starts with a verb, you should put a noun or an article in the beginning of the sentence......and vice versa.
Defining verbal and nominal sentences for non Arabic speaker is Important for better understanding. If you defined the verb, the noun, the doer, the adverb....etc, meaning of the sentence will be reachable.
Also, If the writer wants to emphasis on a certain adverb or certain doer by placing it at the beginning of the sentence....simply to draw more attention to the doer or to the adverb.

 * ضَاعَ المُفْتاَح    ======== المُفْتاَحُ ضَاعَ
 almoftah daa'a========daa'a almoftah
The key was lost.

* فُزْتُ وَ رَبَِ الكَعْبَة ============ وَ رَبِّ الكَعْبَةِ فُزْتُ.
wa rabbel-kaa'abati fozto======fozto wa rabbel- kaa'bah
By the god of kaa'ba, I have won.
In some examples you need to change the sentence totally by adding more words and draw more attention to certain noun in the verbal sentence.
* شَرِبْتُ اللَّبَن. =========== sharibtol-abana  
I drank milk
أمَّا اللَّبَنُ فَقَدْ شُرِبَ.========amm allabano faqad shoriba
Speaking of milk, it has been drunk. 

Any questions? .....please ask in comments section below.

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