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Wednesday, December 30, 2015

Presenting yourself in nominal sentences (جملة اسمية)

Presenting myself/yourself is an important step in learning any new follow me!

My name is …..
esmy ….اسْمِي   
My address is….
(ع)onwany …..عُنْوَانِي
My nationality is ….
jensyaty ….جِنْسِيَتِي
My job is….
My mother tongue is...
loghaty- alumm….لُغَتِي
My marital status is….
halaty - aledjtema’eyah ….

حَالَتِي الإِجْتِمَاعِيَّة
My religion is..

These are the most seven common points you need to present yourself...

Let's discuss them one by one....
1- My name is George.
اسْمِي جُورْج....esmy George

*In the last example and all of our examples sentences are nominal sentences (جملة اسمية) as nominal sentence starts with a noun and usually consists of : subject (مبتدأ) and predicate (خبر).

**In English  language you should use the auxiliary verb
 (to be) to complete the predicate (خبر)..while in Arabic nominal sentence the auxiliary verb is not written and not needed.

اسْمِي  is جُورْج.

Wonderful and much easier, isn't it?
2- My address is...14, Al-Thawrah street, Damascus, Syria.

عُنْوَانِي 14 شَارِعُ الثَوْرَة - دِمَشْق- سُورِيَا....,
 onwany arba'atashar shareou-thawrah- demashq- soureya

عُنْوَانِي is 14 شَارِعُ الثَوْرَة - دِمَشْق- سُورِيَا.

3- My nationality is British.
جِنْسِيَتِي بِرِيطَانِيّ (male)...
جِنْسِيَتِي بِرِيطَانِيَة (female)
jenseyaty breetany/breetanyah

* As I mentioned earlier ...verb (to be) is not needed in Arabic simple nominal sentences....this rule is for all upcoming nominal sentences.
جِنْسِيَتِي is بِرِيطَانِيّ

**To differentiate between male and female nationalities you should add "taa marboutah"ة" at the end of the word if you meant for a female.
4- My job is a diplomat.
وَظِيفَتي دُبْلومَاسِيّ...wazeefaty doblomasy

وَظِيفَتي دُبْلومَاسِيّة...wazeefaty doblomaseyah

**To differentiate between male and female jobs you should add "taa marboutah"ة" at the end of the word if you meant for a female.
5- My mother tongue is English.

لُغَتِي الأُمُ الإنجلِيزِيَّة.....loghaty alummo alenjelezeyah
6-My marital status is married.

حَالَتِي الإِجْتِمَاعِيَّةُ مُتَزَوِّج....male)....halaty-ledgtema'eyah motazawej)

حَالَتِي الإِجْتِمَاعِيَّةُ مُتَزَوِّجة.female)..halaty-ledgtema'eyah motazawejah)

**To differentiate between male and female status you should add "taa marboutah"ة" at the end of the word if you meant for a female.
7- My religion is christian.
دِينِي المَسِيحِيَّة.....deeny almaseheyah


Try to present yourself (the true you) in comments to this post and I will revise your writings, questions, and whatsoever you want to speak about regarding Arabic  language....don't be shy yourself.

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